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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • Andy Warhol - the complete commissioned magazine work 1948 - 1987
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 407 S., 39x27,5x5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-791349923
    Hardcover, Fadenheftung, in Schuber
  • This gorgeously illustrated deluxe volume shows the full range of Warhol’s work for magazines—which will surprise even his most ardent fans—and includes cover art, editorial illustration, and ad work.
    Beginning with the cover of a 1948 issue of Carnegie Tech’s student magazine, Cano, and ending with a 1987 issue of Jet Society International, this stunning book explores, for the very first time, the full story of Warhol’s collaborations with some of the most influential publications of the 20th century, including Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue, Time, TV Guide, Vanity Fair, and Playboy. Generously illustrated with images of the magazine layouts, this landmark publication collects more than 400 issues, revealing the artist’s full range of styles while also charting his artistic development over the decades. From charming drawings of shoes, hats, flowers, and cats to iconic illustrations of cars and cosmetics, from glitzy celebrity portraits to sexy pinups made with collaged Polaroids, this catalogue raisonné sheds new light on the influence of the media and consumerism on contemporary art (and vice versa) even as it offers a unique perspective on Warhol’s deep and lifelong connection to popular culture.
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